Stanislaus Gomes completing a community mapping exercise, Union Island low-cost film workshop - Photo, Tom Miller
Partnership and knowledge exchange are important values that stand behind OPOE.
In 2014, while in production for the OPOE feature documentary, our team held community workshops on low-cost filmmaking. In partnership with local community organizations we held workshops that helped build community capacity to share and disseminate their own stories through filmmaking.
Storyboarding - photo, Nuin-Tara key
Location - Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Length - 4 days
Participants - 12
Partner - Radio Grenadines
Impact - Aside from learning the basics on low-cost filmmaking, community participants developed two short films on issues critical to their community. The first on local waste management issues and the second on needed infrastructure improvements to the community hard-court, an important community asset. The training also provided our partner, Radio Grenadines, additional insights into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and trainings in advance of launching an innovative media-training program that is raising awareness on climate change and other environmental issues throughout the Grenadines.
Timothy, Stanislaus, and Maxwell - photo, Tom Miller
Union Island Workshop, 3 participants not pictured - photo, Nuin-Tara
Testimonials - Union Island
Concerning the workshop I'm personally extending a big thank you, it was just what we needed. Tom you did a great job being the facilitator using the right method of teaching, keeping us engaged and excited while learning. There was never a dull moment for me really and the information was well received. As a result of this workshop i feel motivated and inspired, i learned a lot. This workshop provided direction and the fundamental knowledge that i needed to now pursue a career in filmmaking. Thanks once again to the entire team and know that you are always welcome to Union Island!
- Philmon
The workshop this last week was very informative and interesting. This workshop has been an eye opener for me. You were able to spread a lot of light and ideas that would be very useful to me when filming. The simplicity of the material, thumbs up for that even the littlest child could understand and the interaction during sessions great idea, reduces boredom and fatigue. I will support the idea of a follow up session in the future. This was a job well done.
- Heather
As it relates to the workshop, I'll like to say that it was very much appreciated. I learned much and was very motivated to at least make an attempt at documenting the things that are important to me and the members of my community. I like the fact that we discussed the approaches to each thing we learnt, then you gave us the opportunity to go out and put them into practice; making it as hand on as possible. Wish it was longer, but thank you very much, and all the best with your future endeavors
The workshop was fantastic, the topics covered were enough to give persons in this small community a great head start towards making films that can bring about change. I personally learned a lot and certain areas were made clearer to me.
- Stanton Gomes, Founder, Radio Grenadines
Location - Bluefields, Nicaragua
Length - 3 days
Participants - 6
Partner - blueEnergy
Impact - The film training provided staff and community members insight into low-cost filmmaking, especially in the areas of storyboarding and cinematography. Participants developed a short educational film on composting.
blueEnergy staff used the training to produce their own documentary, Traditional Treasure: Climate Change Adaptation in Bangkukuk Taik, with grant support from the Swift Foundation. The documentary explores climate change adaptation in the indigenous community of Bangkukuk Taik (Punta Águila) and identifies traditional agricultural and fishing practices that are adaptable to the new challenges of climate change.
Testimonials - blueEnergy
Read about the training on blueEnergy’s blog